Alfonso Sonato is a well-known and esteemed professional operating for more than forty years in northern Italy in the field of strategic consultancy for tax, corporate and banking matters. Faced with the unprecedented crisis that is affecting businesses, he promoted the "SO.N.A.R." project (Sonato Network Advisory and Restructuring), professional, multidisciplinary and adaptive network.

Among the founders also Dr. Matteo Bonetti, specialist in business crises and Dr. Roberto Dalla Pellegrina, expert in business evaluation and consultancy.

Other high-level professionals in the legal, managerial, extraordinary and innovative finance fields, both equity and debt, are involved in the network.

Like the instrument used on boats, the SO.N.A.R. network also employs a simple but effective technique to locate both invisible obstacles and “friendly ships” and opportunities. In other words, the ambition is to assist the company in navigating the "new normality" of its business, even in the emergency context.

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